There really only can be great thwarted romance when there are boarding schools involved, because you can't see each other. You are condemned to writing each other letters, and there is so much longing, and your time together is so compressed. |

So we would do stuff like make out in the dry washes of the Arroyo Seco in Pasadena; |
or if I were visiting him in San Francisco, |
where his family had moved to southern slope of Pacific Heights |
we'd end up in the parking lot at Fort Point |
(I remember the tact of the park rangers: at 9:45 pm, they would use a public-address system to say "ladies and gentlemen, the park will be closing in 15 minutes". |
They never tapped on car-windows, no matter how steamy) or at the beaches of Point Reyes |
--- McClure's Beach. I don't know how it is that teen-aged boys know the good deserted places to go make out, but he always did... It was a relationship that was extremely passionate, broke new ground for both of us, and ended very badly. It didn't reflect well on either one of us, though probably reflected worse on me, humiliatingly so. He had been sweeter and I had taken it all harder. Agonizing. |