Afterwards, I didn't talk to my mother about it all. But the one time I remember her touching me much beyond the age of six that didn't involve, say, a slap across the face happened about a month after he dumped me. She came up to me in the necrous hallway of our horrible house right after I had just seen the movie The Heart is Lonely Hunter. In it there's a sort of introverted young woman who gets involved with a boy only slightly older than her and it ends badly and the young man as cast in the movie looked a lot like the young man I am talking about here. She said "oh you poor thing", and she hugged me. One, I was horrified that she had such intimate knowledge of me and two, I didn't want sympathy from her.
This was an overshadowing relationship.
He was basically a good kid. He came from San Francisco robber-baron stock, |